Falkirk Golf Club has Excellent Junior Golf Facilities For First Swings Through Developing Young Golfers to the National Elite Squad Level.

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Falkirk Golf Club Juniors

With a thriving membership aged from 5 to 18 the club works with Head Professional Bobby Rushford and his team on skills development through a comprehensive progression system and has a very active social side where young people make lifelong friendships and develop life skills. Bobby Rushford's Junior Academy helps youngters develop their games from the foundations of golf through to competition level. The Junior Section runs with regular competitions and opportunities for junior's to grow their game.

For more information on Bobby Rushford's Junior Academy, please email Bobby at bobbyrushfordgolf@gmail.com or phone the Pro Shop on 01324 611061 Option 2.

Falkirk Golf Club Junior Section is run by our Junior Conveners. Our Junior Section has regular medals as well as competitions. For more information, please email our Junior Conveners at juniors@falkirkgolfclub.co.uk.

Junior Fees 2024

Category Fee
Junior Academy Antonine Course* £20
Antonine Course** £78
Under 14's Full Course £85
14-17 year old Full Course £100
Junior Senior*** £225.50
*Discounted rate for Juniors who are members of Bobby Rushford's Junior Academy **Non Junior Academy Member ***Available to Juniors with a handicap less than 10. Allows access to full course & adult category competitions  


Falkirk Golf Club is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children in it's care. It recognises the responsibility to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Staff and volunteers will work together to embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of children and young people.

Falkirk Golf Club Safeguarding Officer:
Kerry Stanners
e: kerrystanners@talktalk.net

All of Falkirk Golf Club's Safeguarding Policies and Codes of Conduct can be found below: